northern california lost more than 95% of her bull kelp forests since 2014. still, the remaining 5% gives us hope for the future. scientists are learning how to amplify ecosystem resilience and stakeholders share environmental wisdom to promote successful management. together, we will bring the kelp back.

just below the surface along the coast of northern california...

...stands an emerald city...

...bull kelp creates an underwater forest...

...for life to thrive...

...big and small creatures seek home in the forest...

...sunflower sea stars used to rule the ecosystem until wasting disease rendered them locally extinct...

...with sea otters extirpated from the ecosystem by fur trade...

...herbivorous urchins are no longer controlled by predators and have taken over...

...driving the kelp forests to the ground, one stipe at a time...

...taking advantage of a stressful climate...

...but scientists are learning how to regrow kelp... takes massive collaboration between stakeholders...

...and there is hope for the future...

...that we will see our kelp forests return...